Mrs. Kornika Todd, School Counselor
“Intelligence plus character that is the goal of true education.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
Mission Statement
The mission of Perry County School’s Counseling and Guidance Department is to provide programs and services that promote student personal growth, academic achievement, and college and career readiness. Students are provided with opportunities to gain an understanding of self and others, to participate in educational and occupational exploration, and to pursue career planning opportunities in an environment that is safe, caring, and encouraging. Counselors work in collaborative partnerships with students, educators, parents, and community members to empower students to reach their highest level as productive members of society.
The comprehensive counseling and guidance programs provided by counselors in Perry County are based on the following tenets:
1. Every student has the right to experience respect and dignity as a human being and to benefit from the
counseling and guidance services described in the Comprehensive Counseling and Guidance State Model for Alabama Public Schools (the State Plan), Bulletin 2003, No. 89.
2. Every student has the right to participate in activities that promote self-direction and self-development.
3. Every student has the right to make choices and accept responsibility for choices made.
4. Every student has the right to participate in a comprehensive school counseling and guidance program
designed to assist all students in attaining their maximum potential in academic, career, and personal/social development
The comprehensive school counseling and guidance program is an essential integrated component of the total instructional program through which students have maximum opportunity for academic, career, and personal/social development. In this regard, the school counseling and guidance program involves a planned, purposeful, and sequential program of activities that begins in kindergarten and continues through the twelfth grade. Comprehensive school counseling and guidance programs are data-driven by student needs and provide outcome-based accountability measures that align the school counseling and guidance program with the school’s overall academic mission.